Primarily posts crap about Utaites (but more of SoraMafu because I love them more Im so sorry-):: Feel free to message/ask me about anything :: ikunataru: shimas2: USSS. Insert Song Lyrics: Emi Inaba (Curry nochi rice Fude pen bo ru pen My love is a stapler), KANATA (Maddy. This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also someone who posts romaji lyrics of Utaite songs because sometimes she has nothing better to do. More information about this song can be found on the song page at. Audio recordings, when available, are streamed from and SmallChurchMusic. The lyrics used on this page are public domain or used with permission. Lyrics:Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phraseHakuna Matata, aint no passing crazeIt means no worries for the rest of your daysIts our problem free philosop.
Ikuna lyrics full#
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